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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Taking Care of Me~I am a bad patient

Stupid title in my opinion. My quick response is always, "I don't have time!" Well you all know how that feels. I really do not have the time. Funny how your body has a way of calling your bluff. All of my don't have time speak was quickly followed up by a crash. My failure to maintain my health (taking my meds like a good girl), talk to my doc, blah, blah, blah and I crashed. IT happens. We all expect it. The kids knew the drill. Hubbs-the papa hen was riding my case for weeks. The Nanny, who happens to be a medic and I can't "bluff" her like I can everyone else. Angelfish who is 11...need I say more? He harps on me all the time. OKAY GUYS! I got it! Sometimes I wonder how "I" of all people became surrounded by so many mamas! The kids let me sleep, hubbs maintain everyone. Nanny took up slack and even bought me some get well flowers and a balloon. It was really sweet. I love my little family even if they are all trying to drive me insane :) I think I slept about 16 hours, almost straight. I only woke up because I absolutely had to go to work today. I called the doc first thing this morning. He scolded me too. (guess I deserved it) This is about oh the 12th time he has threatened to release me as a patient because he doesn't want a med/mal claim LOL.
So the short of it is. Take care of you. All the self help books we read say so. All of the RAD books. Heck we tell each other all the time to take care of each other. We are no good to our family if we are worn out. How many times have I said that to other mothers? Darn I just realized my own advice doesn't taste so good when I have to eat it. I kinda figured my mom time out would come in March for the RAD mom retreat. Guess I can't wait that long.


  1. I had my little "time" last week too. I didn't think I was doing that bad, but I found out that I can do much better. lol I added a new pill and I won't ever forget it (at least not this week roflol). I hope you feel better.
