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Monday, July 12, 2010

Oh for the Love of ....PEE?!

PEE umm gross. So as a new RAD mom I felt pretty darn happy that all you other RAD moms out there were blogging and talking and some even singing about Pee. I felt bad but in the back of my mind thought PHEW there is one symptom I don't have to deal with. I felt like I had a little secret and didn't want anyone to know I did not have to battle the urine monster. Those days of bliss are over! PEE has entered the building! Want to know the really sad part? I have been stepping in it and didn't know. GROSS!!

So here is how it all played out. I re-painted my Radish's room to a very soft, calm sea foam green and made waves throughout the room. It reads above the closet door "Peaceful Waters". He participated and loved the room. We had been secretly planning it for some time. I wanted him to have a happy almost sanctuary style room. The joy was quickly replaced with the stench of pee. Two days ago I walked into my RADish's room. I stepped in a small wet spot. I immediately looked down thinking one of the three dogs had been guilty of such an infraction. No puddle, no stain and the carpet was barely wet. Noticed a short while later the same curious wet spot in my younger son's room. Another in my RADish's room that night. I was curious but knowing if I asked the question I would not get an answer. Yesterday it hit me folks. Like a cloud of *barf* grossness. I walked into my RADish's room to wake him for church and almost lost my morning coffee. I was bowled over by the smell of pee. The entire carpet had been sprayed. I knew (from listening to Christine Moer's song repeatedly) it must be pee.

I didn't make a big deal. I didn't even act like I was shocked. I calmly went downstairs and collected a bottle filled with vinegar and water. I brought the bottle back and set it on the floor. I asked my RADish to please be sure to spray his floor, remove the linens and spray the mattress, etc. He did not try to deny it, did not say anything. He took the cleaning bottle and got to work. (vinegar is better than pee).

Simple right? WRONG! The big feelings that caused the urine monster to attack had not been addressed and I knew it was only a short time before it reared its ugly head. We went to church as planned. That was a small nightmare in itself. Time to stand and sing (too much to ask), time to greet one another (too much to ask), time to pray (too much to ask). All he wanted was to sit and draw. He did not want any part of church. This is odd for my RADish because he is almost freakishly religious. Only a matter of time......

We made it home. Time for lunch. "I don't feed him enough. I don't feed him good food. I am not a good mom. He hates me and I make him do chores."

(attention on deck-the storm has started)

Immediately following lunch we had chores that had to be done, i.e. their laundry, and then it was in the pool for some serious playtime. While gathering laundry my RADish proclaimed that I was a slave driver and he should not have to carry laundry downstairs. (where does he get his words from?) I told him that I appreciated his help and that it took everyone to help with these mounds of laundry. Good thing too, we are all rewarded with clean clothes. My youngest one with an arm full of laundry giggled. BAD MOVE LITTLE GUY

It reminded me of an old Batman flick BAM! SLASH! POW! The fireworks took off and he melted in the hallway. A really good performance too. I ignored it and continued on my task. Asked him if he wanted to help, needed some chatting or extra time to do his chore. He screamed the usual. He hates me, I stink, I am fat. (so I lifted my arm for a sniff and proclaimed "Nope all good here", ran my hands down my waist "Hmm you may have a point on that one I do feel chunky today") My youngest was in a gigglefit at that moment. RADish stormed to his new "therapeutic room", slammed the door and screamed like a little girl was trapped inside his body. I think the bats a few states away said "Owww".

We continued with the swim idea my youngest and I. Got our suits on and got ready to have some fun. RADish was asked to get his suit on and come downstairs. He knew he was not going to be able to swim. Why even ask. He had not done his chores. He has not "paid it back". He had not done anything other than whine and rant. He came outside and sat quietly. I asked him if he wanted to talk (little bro was in the pool). He said he was sad. I asked him if he was sad for himself and he said he was. I told him I too was sad for him. We sat quietly for a few minutes. the situation dissipated and I went to swim with my other son. 30 minutes past and I asked my RADish if he would like to come play. He was very shocked for getting to come play after the way he acted. He said, "Mom? I can play?" I told him he could and thanked him for sitting so quietly. He had fun for the rest of the afternoon and played relatively nice. When it was time to go inside he thanked me for allowing him to swim. I told him he did it himself by taking time to think about what his actions brought about. We had a short but deep conversation about choices. Everything lately is about making choices, showing him his choices and stepping back and letting the consequences of that action come forth.

A long journey. The pee wont stop. The rants and rages are not over yet. Are we healing? I can't say. I feel like this journey has been years in the making even though we really have just begun.

Have an "unurinated" week all.


  1. Ohhhh, I didn't want you to join THAT club.

    We have a secret handshake, though.

    It's a little drippy. ;)

  2. I have several members of the pee club. Thankfully, all but one of mine have graduated (I have four children adopted from Poland). Thanks for being willing to share the stinky truth. I have found pee in the weirdest places, disgusting, mind boggling and sickening! My current pee person was able to let go of the habit for a month last year to earn a giant stuffed alligator from his older sister. As soon as she gave it to him, he started again. Still working on it!
